Wednesday, June 6, 2012

" I Have Found.. "

Today was a great day for me and more importantly for Significant Other . Like the fool I am I forgot to take my cell phone home from work yesterday and the land line was dead tonight as I had forgotten to put it back in its charger, fortunately I still have the one of those old fashioned ones that you plug into the wall and has a hand piece that is connected by wire to the phone so I was able to get an update tonight.

Significant Other is a refugee from the Congo here in New Zealand with her nephew and niece, my text from last night that I got this morning told me she had found one of her nieces sisters via Facebook and tonight after a careful questioning by myself I understand that Significant Others sister is alive as well. We don't know about other family members as yet but in a refugee camp in Kampala Uganda and in Auckland a family is embarking on the process of reunification, I have tears in my eyes. 

Are there any hero's here ?

Yes but it isn't us ( New Zealand ), it isn't Facebook and it isn't the UN. We all played a small part.

Faith and a refusal to give up on each other, the human spirit if you like triumphed today.

Significant Other said " God is good ".

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